Us vs Them
When comparing well and/or pump estimates it is very important you are comparing apples to apples. Drilling a well is much more than “JUST” drilling a hole in the ground and getting water. Hawk Drilling Company prides itself on going the extra mile to make sure the job is done right the first time. Please take a moment and check out what makes us stand out from out competitors.
Us vs. Them
When comparing well and/or pump estimates it is very important you are comparing apples to apples. Drilling a well is much more than “JUST” drilling a hole in the ground and getting water. Hawk Drilling Company prides itself on going the extra mile to make sure the job is done right the first time. Please take a moment and check out what makes us stand out from out competitors.
![Hawk Drilling 3 Generations](
Certification and Experience
When hiring a well contractor, certification and experience are crucial. Increased certifications and education is key and shows the contractor is up to date on the latest techniques and applications. We can’t express how much experience drives the positive outcome of a water well. The customer is relying on the experience of the contractor to know: Geology of an area, when water-bearing zones may have been encountered, best applications and techniques for well construction.
Certification and Experience
When hiring a well contractor, certification and experience are crucial. Increased certifications and education is key and shows the contractor is up to date on the latest techniques and applications. We can’t express how much experience drives the positive outcome of a water well. The customer is relying on the experience of the contractor to know: Geology of an area, when water-bearing zones may have been encountered, best applications and techniques for well construction.
Hawk Drilling Company has been in business Since 1927 and has well records dating back to the 1960s. We are a fifth-generation owned and operated family company that prides itself on our experience and expertise.
Hawk Drilling Co. Inc is proud to be run by Master Ground-Water Contractors (MGWC). This is a really big deal. The master certification is the highest level of certification a water well contractor can achieve in the industry. They had eight tests on all of the different drilling Applications/Techniques, Pumping Systems, Well Rehab, and Geothermal and had to pass a written Masters test, which encompasses all aspects of the industry; including Business Management. There are only 65 MGWC’s in the whole country, 11 of which are in New York State*.
In addition to the MGWC certification, Our President/Driller Jeremy has a degree in Environmental Geology and specializes in Fracture Trace Analysis for locating water in extremely difficult areas. His techniques have had an extremely high success rate!
Minimum certifications to be licensed in New York State: Certified Well Driller (CWD), Certified Pump Installer (CPI), or Both (CWD/PI)
Well Logs
As mentioned above, drilling a well is more than “just” drilling a hole in the ground and getting water! At Hawk Drilling Company Inc., we take pride on the neatness and detail of our drilling logs. The well log is a detail of the geologic formations, water-bearing zones, well location, and pump install information. Below are actual samples of well logs obtained from DEC. All three are from the same block and two are actually wells across the street from one another. See the difference for yourself!
Hawk Drilling Co. Inc, Well log was adapted to give the reader more information. Notice all the formation changes that the driller logged. The noted quartz zones are the primary producers. This well was hydraulically developed to increase its yield. Because of the good log, the technician knew exactly what zones to develop to increase well yield. Also, notice the hydrofracturing (hydraulic development) information is listed on the Hawk Drilling Company well log.
Competitors well log…notice the lack of information. This well was actually across the street from the Hawk Drilling Company log. Notice the well is 220 ft deeper with absolutely no formation change. This well was also hydraulically developed but you would not know it because there is no record on the log or note of well yield after development.
There are no words for this well log. It is completely illegible and was ACTUALLY turned in to the state as a documented well record.
When getting Well/Pump estimates it’s important to get a detailed, line-by-line estimate so you can see what you are actually getting for your money. Beware of a lump sum or package pricing. When comparing multiple estimates it’s important to have the line-by-line so that you can compare “apples to apples.”. Without such comparison, you don’t really know what you are getting, i.e. in a package deal if the well goes deeper than estimated the contractor may install sub-par materials in order to make the same profit on the job.
When you call Hawk Drilling Company, we take great care to provide you with as accurate an estimate as possible. Once you specify the well location we base estimates on geologic maps and our extensive well mapping database. Wells are based on the average depth of wells in your specified area. If we have no information available DEC can supply us with well information to make an accurate estimate:
Below are samples of actual estimates for a well and pump system for a 50-foot well.
Notice that the estimate spells out the Per/foot specified cost for drilling, casing, and well screen. Hawk Drilling Company will never give lump sum estimates or package deals. We feel it is very important for the customer to see what they are buying.
Below is a 3-wire pump estimate for the above 50 foot well
Notice how all of the costs are spelled out to the customer. Again, no lump sums and no package deals. We want the customer to know EXACTLY what they are getting!
Lump sum, package pricing or range pricing; i.e. a 100ft well and pump cost X, a 200ft well and pump costs Y, etc…
Do you know what you are actually getting???
Our Experience is Our Guarantee!